The Final Coming
Pondicherry is the chosen place for the Divine Mother for Her divine work. After Her first visit in 1914, Mirra Alfassa returned to Pondicherry in 1920 on April 24, to permanently stay and work on Sri Aurobindo’s supreme purpose of human evolution, as The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
The following is a conversation the Mother had with the sadhaks where she talks about her final return to Pondicherry.
But this was merely the beginning of my vision. Only after a series of experiences – a ten months’ sojourn in Pondicherry, five years of separation, then the return to Pondicherry and the meeting in the same house and in the same way – did the end of the vision occur…. I was standing just beside him. My head wasn’t exactly on his shoulder, but where his shoulder was (I don’t know how to explain it – physically there was hardly any contact). We were standing side by side like that, gazing out through the open window, and then together, at exactly the same moment, we felt, ‘Now the Realization will be accomplished.’ That the seal was set and the Realization would be accomplished. I felt the Thing descending massively within me, with the same certainty I had felt in my vision. From that moment on there was nothing to say – no words, nothing. We knew it was that.
Read MoreBut between these two meetings he participated in a whole series of experiences, experiences of gradually growing awareness. This is partly noted in Prayers and Meditations (I have cut out all the personal segments). But there was one experience I didn’t speak of there (that is, I didn’t describe it, I put only the conclusion) – the experience where I say ‘Since the man refused I was offering participation in the universal work and the new creation and the man didn’t want it, he refused, and so I now offer it to God ….
The Mother: Conversation with a Disciple, December 20, 1960
Excerpts taken from All India Magazine, April 2020
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
The disciples judge the forms by the Master.
Outsiders judge the Master by the forms.
The Mother
24 April 1950

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations – Inauguration by the Hon’ble Union Home Affairs Minister
15 August 2022 – signifying the 150th Birth Anniversary celebrations of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s Independence – is an auspicious date for all Indians. Sri Aurobindo Society is pledged to honour this day with a year of celebrations while starting bold ground-level initiatives to take India to her rightful place at the world summit. Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs, Shri Amit Shah, will officially launch the inaugural celebrations on 24th April, 2022, at the Pondicherry University Convention – cum – Cultural Centre, Pillaichavady. Hon’ble Lt. Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan and the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Pondicherry Shri N. Rangaswamy will also grace the occasion. You can be a part of this momentous occasion by watching it live

Comprehensive Certificate Course in collaboration with Mount Carmel College
Our unit, Auro Centre for Public Nutrition, Public Health and Public Policy, in collaboration with Mount Carmel College, Autonomous Centre of Extended Education, announces the commencement of a first time, unique, comprehensive Certificate Course on Public Nutrition, Public Health and Public Policy. The course duration is 6 months and is commencing in August 2022.

Certificate of Excellence for the Digital Sakhis
Ms. Apurva Rathod, Group Head - Secretarial & CSR and Sustainability, L&T Financial Services awarded Certificate of Excellence to the hundred Digital Sakhis of SARVAM, for raising awareness on Digital Transactions, Entitlement schemes, and various other aspects related to financial literacy across 60 villages. While congratulating the Digital Sakhis, Ms. Apurva Rathod expressed her joy in the transformation they brought effected in the lives of about 3 lakh villages.

National Seminar on
Sri Aurobindo’s Nationalism
All are welcome to join and listen to the talks by 5 eminent speakers on Sri Aurobindo’s Nationalism on 25 April 2022 at the Society House. There will also be a poster exhibition on Sri Aurobindo and India’s Freedom and a book launch titled Understanding Contemporary India in the light of Sri Aurobindo.
- Youtube Live 1
- Youtube Live 2

West Bengal begins His 150th birth anniversary celebrations
Kolkata is the birthplace of Sri Aurobindo. The centre at Kolkata aspires to celebrate His 150th Birth Anniversary this year, with devotion and splendour! On March 26, the Guest -of-Honour, Shri Harivansh Narayan Singh, the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha declared open the commencement of the year-long celebrations of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s Independence at Kalamandir, Kolkata. Shri Gopal Bhattacharjee, International secretary Sri Aurobindo Society welcomed the gathering and felicitated the speakers. The event was enriched with dance performances by SRIJAK and song renditions by Smt. Nupurchhanda Ghosh.

Foods Galore at Svarnim Puducherry
It was a day where gourmet met tradition, nutritious befriended delectable, children became chef, learning was seasoned with sweetness, education had the right spices, and joy brimmed over earthen pots! Students from ten Government Schools in Pondicherry celebrated World Health Day along with organizer Svarnim Puducherry with food festivals and competitions on the theme of ‘Our Planet, Our Health’. While each presentation was alluring, natural and nutritious, a special mention must be made of the students of Mudaliarpet Government School who were unstoppable with almost 100 preparations on display! All recipes were low in cost and high in nutrition. Many of the preparations were made without oil or gas! It was a deeply exhilarating experience for all – the ‘little master chefs’, the organizers and also the ones who visited the stalls only to have their palates satiated with unique flavours!

Animation Film – Sri Aurobindo A New Dawn - Script to Storyboarding Stage
An animation film ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’ is being made by Sri Aurobindo Society, to inspire the youth of India and the world, through the story of Sri Aurobindo and his immense contribution to the renaissance of India. This is our offering for the 150th year of Sri Aurobindo’s birth.
Read MoreWe are happy to inform you that the script development stage of the animation film is finished and now we have moved on to the storyboarding stage. To know the details of the progress of the film, please visit our website.
We are also happy to share that 70% of our budget money has been collected and we are sure that by the Mother’s Grace, we will collect the remaining amount through the continued support of our well-wishers.
Join hands in the making of this film! Donate
Offering in Humility and Gratitude
We stepped into a significant year on 15 August 2021 as it starts the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s independence. This section is our humble offering to this momentous occasion. We will bring a few golden glimpses from the Master’s avataric life as well as a few glorious achievements of independent India.
Read MoreMy solitary cell was nine feet long and five or six feet in width; it had no windows, in front stood strong iron bars, this cage was my appointed abode. Such was the place where we were lodged…
One plate and bowl used to adorn the courtyard. Properly washed and cleansed my self-sufficing plate and bowl, was the solace of my life…
My dear bowl was multipurpose. The bowl was free from all caste restrictions, beyond discrimination, in the prison cell it helped in the act of ablution, later with the same bowl I gargled, bathed, a little later when I had to take my food, lentil soup or vegetable was poured into the same container, I drank water out of it and washed my mouth. Such an all — purpose priceless object can be had only in a British prison.
Serving all my worldly needs the bowl became an aid in my spiritual discipline too. Where else could I find such an aid and preceptor to get rid of the sense of disgust?…
But for one month I acquired an unsought lesson in controlling my disgust.
The entire procedure for defecation seems to have been oriented towards the art of self-control…
Needless to say, because of all this arrangement, in a small room, one had throughout to undergo considerable inconvenience, especially at meal times and during night. Attached bathrooms are, I know, often times a part of western culture, but to have in a small cell a bedroom, dining room and w.c. rolled into one
— that is what is called too much of a good thing!…
In this blazing room two prison blankets served for my bed. There was no pillow, I would spread one of these as mattress and fold the other as a pillow, and I slept like that. When it became unbearable I would roll on the ground and enjoy it…
But the floor’s contact in the prison was not always pleasing…The days on which it rained were particularly delightful. But there was this difficulty that during rain and thunder, thanks to the danse macabre of the strong wind, full of dust, leaf and grass, a small-scale flood would take place inside my little room. After which there was no alternative but to rush to a corner with a wet blanket…The only dry areas were near the w.c., but one did not feel like placing the blankets near that area…
I was not annoyed at this. On the contrary, I had felt a little happy that no discrimination had been made between the common uneducated masses and myself… I took it as a marvelous means and favourable condition for learning yoga and rising above conflicts. I was one of the extremists, in whose view democracy and equality between the rich and the poor formed a chief ingredient of nationalism.The mind had transcended these sufferings and grown incapable of feeling any hardship.
That is why when I recollect my prison life instead of anger or sorrow I feel like laughing.
Ref: Tale of Prison life, translated by Sisir Kumar Ghosh

Readers' Column
Priti is an artist, integral educator and a parent adopting Integral Education practices for more than a decade. She embarked on an inner journey since the age of 21, which led her to the world of integral education practiced at Mirambika. Practising spirituality in daily living, drawing and painting, reading poetry and writing poems, telling stories to children, listening to classical music, simply walking by the sea with her dog, bicycling, humming to herself and reading and re-reading many books are some of her leanings. Currently Priti resides in Puducherry, India, and works with Sri Aurobindo Society. Given below is an outpour of a beautiful painting done in soft pastels followed by words that express the beauty of Kolli hills where she spent her recent vacation.

The Mesmerizing Sunset
The mesmerizing sunset at the Kolli hills
Still breathes in me,
And spreads its soft light.
My whole being is refreshed
And breathes its gaiety.
The calm of the eve
The tourist whispers
Sighs and cries
The pink and orange
All merge in One.
The lines and colours
Dissolve within
And a silent hush emerges
And penetrates my skin
The soul craves for more.
Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)
Potion of Laughter
Humour of our Sri Aurobindo
Here are two small incidents from Nirodbaran’s ‘12 years with Sri Aurobindo’, where the otherwise gentle and patient Master, could not oblige His disciples’ requests.
Once the Mother came to inform Sri Aurobindo that one of the former disciple and an eminent singer of Bengal,
Read MoreA similar instance happened in Dilip’s case. He had sent the timing of his radio programme from Calcutta and beseeched Sri Aurobindo to hear him.
Sri Aurobindo asked Champaklal to remind him of it. Champaklal, probably, did not.
When the music was over, he asked Champaklal, “Where is Dilip’s music?” He laughed and said that it was already finished!’ Sri Aurobindo too was forgetful at times.
A Capsule of Good News
India is country of diverse geographies and faces severe draughts in some parts while inundated in others. Gazala Paul has taken the difficult path of reviving the local water bodies to ensure that 97 villages around the infamously arid Kutch area have access to water. Her journey was uphill, her determination and compassion inspiring. https://www.theoptimistcitizen.com/gazala-paul-gujarat-has-revived-water-in-97-villages/