I will either find a way or make one.
~Hannibal Barca, a Carthaginian general during the Second Punic War

Visit for answers to life’s questions, compiled from inquiries to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

In life’s journey, obstacles or aspirations may hinder progress. Seeking inner guidance can miraculously open paths forward.

Where God is the Charioteer, victory is certain and if He wheels back, it is only to leave ground which is no longer advantageous to Him..
~ The Mother
The Ideal Flag for India
During these ongoing 18th Lok Sabha elections, we feature this article which delves into the debate over India’s ideal flag. Authored by Amal Kiran and first published in Mother India on August 15, 1949, it received approval from Sri Aurobindo.

Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
BharatShakti launched this course at Pondicherry University, aimed at fostering understanding of societal evolution and consciousness.

SARVAM empowered 45 women entrepreneurs with a workshop on economic independence, providing tailored materials for their trades, fostering self-sufficiency and growth.

Integral Health workshops
Join NAMAH for a series of upcoming workshops
A Consciousness Approach to Obesity
Join Dr. Yogesh Mohan will explain how obesity often stems from modern lifestyles.
April 30, 2024 | ENROLL NOW
The Universal Language of Mandalas
Dive into their profound symbolism with Vivechana Saraf.
May 7-10, 2024 | ENROLL NOW
Integral Programme of Personal Growth
Explore an integral approach to personal growth with Dr. Soumitra Basu.
May 13-18, 2024 | ENROLL NOW

Yuvā Shakti
Cultivating Virtues for Self-growth
BhāratShakti hosts an interactive workshop for college students from Gujarat, on 30th May 2024, focusing on virtues from the Mother’s teachings, fostering engagement and growth.
Sri Aurobindo - A New Dawn
24 April 1920, A Special Date to Remember
In the month of the anniversary of the Mother’s historic final arrival in Pondicherry in 1920, we at the Sri Aurobindo Society remember a new chapter in our history.
Catch a glimpse of this magical moment in the award-winning hand-painted animation film.
Catch a glimpse | Watch the 28-min. Film in English & Hindi at anewdawn.in

Complete Light of Lights
An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry
Now on Spotify
We’re happy to bring you all the podcasts of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Ashram poets’ poems featured in Light of Lights anthology on AuroPublications Spotify channel.
Do leave a review—it will certainly keep us going as we have plans to bring you several new episodes!
Visual Treats of AuroMedia
Sri Aurobindo – Glimpses of His Life is now available in TELUGU & Other Languages

A Capsule of Good News
Methil Devika demonstrates inclusivity in art by incorporating sign language into her dance, effectively communicating with the deaf community. Kudos to her innovative efforts!
A Potion of Laughter
1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants
2. To bring an ant from another country into your country = Important
3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant
4. Ant that is looking for a job = Applicant
5. A spy ant = Informant
6. A very little ant = Infant
7. A proud ant = Arrogant
8. An ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant
9. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant
10. An ant that occupies a flat = Occupant
Courtesy: Unknown source