Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
~Howard Zinn (American historian, playwright and socialist thinker)

Visit for answers to life’s questions, compiled from inquiries to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

In life’s journey, obstacles or aspirations may hinder progress. Seeking inner guidance can miraculously open paths forward.

One must be without preferences and without desire to know the Divine’s will.
~ The Mother

Integral Education Workshop
A holistic approach, practical strategies were shared, fostering sportsmanship and nurturing children’s potential.

Beyond Polarities
Dr. Beloo Mehra spoke at an International Conference on ‘Future Communications’ at Pondicherry University highlighting harmonious communication.

An expert trainer instructed 20 adolescent girls in juggling and hooping at Satyam Community Centre, fostering physical fitness and camaraderie.

Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn
Happy news for our Tamil & Telugu readers!
Watch a glimpse of the voiceover recordings that we did simultaneously in both Tamil and Telugu.


Integral Health workshops
Join NAMAH for a series of upcoming workshops
A Consciousness Approach to Habits & Addictions
MAY 31, 2024 | ENROLL NOW
Enhancing Prana & Vastness within the Body
Invoking the Mother – Hold the Inner Flame
Designing Inner Harmony
Growing, Deepening & Widening in Consciousness
Developing & Cultivating Samata with Dr. Monica Gulati

Forest & Beach Walks
Know Your Bioregion
Svarnim invites nature enthusiasts for a Forest and Beach walk celebrating one of the rarest and most diverse wild ecosystems in India – the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF).
FOREST WALK (for children)

Yogic Psychology & the Body
Join the ‘Perfection of the Body’ workshop by AuroYajna, focusing on Yogic psychology in Sri Aurobindo’s yoga.
JUNE 3–7, 2024 | ENROLL NOW

Sacchā Sur
This book is about the author, Sanghamitra’s musical journey and interactions with great musicians who were music incarnate and helped the disciple to flower not only in music, but also in life.

The film ‘Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram’ is now available in TELUGU on AuroMedia Website along with the English, Hindi, Bengali and Tamil versions

Listen to a talk on ‘Teachings of Sri Aurobindo’ by Dr. Mangesh V. Nadkarni.
The Readers' Column

Pallu’s Multiutility and a Dying Tradition
Pallu – the long end of the saree,
A tradition enticing the Indian women since ages.
Mostly hanging end behind the woman – the pallu,
Some places in India, across the front of the body – the pallu.
A means to carry the alms – the pallu,
A place to hang the keys – the pallu.
The elegant look of the bride – the pallu,
Covering newly-weds’ head – the pallu.
A child’s anchor – the pallu,
A toddler’s hiding place – the pallu.
Read MoreThe puppy’s playmate – the pallu,
For the homemaker, palm to utensils, the drying aid – the pallu
The designer’s beauty enthralled in – the pallu,
The showstopper’s delight – the pallu.
The heroine’s enchantment – the wet pallu,
The lyricist’s love – the pallu.
Under the scorching sun, the temporary shade – the pallu,
In chilling winter days, the warm cover – the pallu.
A multiutility piece of cloth – the pallu,
Mother’s hidden love and affection in – the pallu.
In future, will be seen only in temples on deities – the pallu,
Thanks to westernization, the tradition dying – the saree and its pallu!
Dr. Sudevi Basu
Mysore, Karnataka, India

A Potion of Laughter
June 5th is World Environment Day, so here are some light-hearted, environmentally themed jokes:
1.Why did the tree go to the dentist?
Because it needed a root canal!
2.Why did the scarecrow become a successful environmentalist?
Because he was outstanding in his field!
3.How do trees get on the internet?
They log in!
4.Why did the sun go to school?
To get a little brighter!