“It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying them.”
– William E. Vaughn, American Columnist

One Force
It is Her 145th birth Anniversary on 21st February, 2023. The below excerpt is taken from Volume 32, The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo, The Mother – with Letters on the Mother.
One Force
Is there any difference in your working, and the Mother’s working – I mean any difference in the force or effectivity?
No, it is a single Power.
Read More23 May 1933
Of course you are right in saying we are one and whatever is given is from both. If I give, the Mother’s Force goes with it, or else the sadhak would get nothing, and if the Mother gives, my support goes with it and gives it my light as well as the Mother’s. It is two sides of one indivisible action, one carrying with it the other. It is the Mother’s Force that gives the push, but also the peace.
16 July 1936
Whatever one gets from The Mother, comes from myself also – there is no difference. So, too, if I give anything, it is by the Mother’s Force that it goes to the sadhak.
20 August 1936
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
I belong to no nation, no civilisation, no society, no race, but to the Divine.
I obey no master, no ruler, no law, no social convention, but the Divine.
– The Mother

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Self-Exploration Through Expressive Arts
Exploring yourself can be fun. Using Sri Aurobindo’s model of the being and Expressive Arts, you will discover, under the guidance of Lopa Mukherjee, the many sub-personalities hidden within you, some of which can be integrated and some discarded. Join our online workshop from 22-24 February, 2023, organized by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Medicine.

Pondicherry Heritage Festival 2023
From 2015, Pondicherry has been celebrating its Heritage Festival annually. This year the focus is on Responsible Tourism. The celebrations began on 1 February 2023 and will end on 15 March 2023. The organizers have planned a line-up of events to celebrate the region’s cultural, architectural and natural heritage. As one of the partners of PHF 2023, the Society is conducting several events and competitions for school and college children at MatriNiketan and the Society House.

Bhavita – Children Awareness Camp
The Eluru Centre of Sri Aurobindo Society had organized a Children’s Camp at Sri Gnana Jyothi Vidya Mandir on 23 January, 2023. In this camp, the children explored different aspects of themselves through group and individual activities. At the end of the programme, the children became more self-aware and consciously creative.
‘The Transformation’ Bags Best Documentary Awards
This documentary film is a tribute by Sri Aurobindo Society in association with Kolkata Sukriti Foundation on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's 150th Birth Anniversary. It revolves around the time when Sri Aurobindo was in jail in Alipore from 1908-1909. The film was shot at actual locations wherever possible. The film is based on rare newspapers from the British Library and the National Library (Kolkata) with actual writings from Sri Aurobindo. The film is released in English (THE TRANSFORMATION) and Hindi (NAYA JANMA). So far, the film has bagged six Best Documentary international awards.

SARVAM Turns 18!
On 2 February, 2023, SARVAM, the rural development wing of Sri Aurobindo Society completes 18 long years of unfaltering aspiration, determined toils and holistic approach. The journey started with a single village in 2005 and it now has its footprints across 60 villages and a rural population of 1,50,000. It has interconnected and worked across domains of children education, women empowerment, self-sustainability for the vulnerable, digital literacy of the community, youth leadership, health and sanitation and resilience against disasters. The journey continues with enhanced vigour and the un-subdued flame of aspiration.

All India Youth Camp 2023
All INDIA YOUTH CAMP 2023 ~ INVITATION, which was conducted from 4 to 12 January, 2023, was an experience, an adventure into the inner worlds and an opportunity to explore the hidden gems that awaited us with open arms, for the 33 young aspirants from all over the nation at the premises of Sri Aurobindo Society: at Sharanam Community Centre and the Society House.
Seeds of Light
Seeds of Light is an artistically produced booklet containing 101 inspiring thoughts compiled from the writings of the Mother. As an offering on her 145th Birth Anniversary, AuroMedia has taken the initiative of converting this print media into visual media. It’s a matter of pride for AuroNews to announce its launch here. You are invited to watch the first one of this series. Fifteen more videos will be shared in the future.
Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn – A Peek into the Key Animation Process
An inspirational animation film ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’ is being made by Sri Aurobindo Society for the youth of India and the world, on Sri Aurobindo’s life, as an offering for the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo.
Announcing the release date of the Animation Film as 15th August 2023!
We are happy to share with you that the Animation film has moved on to the Key Animation design stage and the work is gearing up at a swift pace at Studio Eeksaurus, Mumbai.
Join hands to make this inspirational film!
AuroPublications, the publications division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, publishes spiritually themed books and creates multimedia and audio-visual products with deep insights and values. There is a special focus on Integral Yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Of Past Dawns and Future Noons
Ancient Indian civilisation is not something over and done with, relegated to the past – it continues to thrive, sustaining its spirit, waiting to be rediscovered and given newer forms. This book tries to establish a link between every subject known to us and how the ancients approached them – individual and yet, part of a whole.
Historical and yet not burdened with facts and figures, the book is lyrical in style and profusely illustrated, lending a deep perspective to the ancient world and looking for lessons to make a glorious future.
Click the link to get the copy, https://auropublications.org/…/of-past-dawn-and-future…/
Visit AuroPublications https://auropublications.org/ for online purchases, or visit Aura Bookstore on 16 Goubert Avenue (Beach Road), Pondicherry, to pick up a copy.
The Readers' Column

Anandi Zhang is a freelance translator from English to Chinese. In 2014, she decided to go on world travel, starting in India. In her words, “I “knew” little about the world, close to nothing about India, nothing at all about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and had no travel plans. When I started the journey, I was led, as if “by accident” to come here to Auroville and the Ashram, to travel the inner world. Born on the Sri Aurobindo’s Siddhi Day, 24th November, she feels her grandmother resembled the Mother in some ways, in some moments, especially the way she took care of Anandi. Following years of searching, she feels home in the vast world of Integral Yoga. She says, “Translation is one way I dedicate myself to the practice, while making Their works more accessible to Chinese readers. In this process, I have also been discovering the essence of Indian and Chinese cultures, and their perfect matching and mirroring in the Light of Integral Yoga.” Her latest translated book (into the Chinese) is How to Bring up a Child.
Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)
Potion of Laughter
It’s Valentine’s Day…
What did the calculator say to the pencil?
You can count on me.
How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?
He gave her a ring!
Why was the fly so nervous at the fruit market?
He was on a date.
A Capsule of Good News
Zero-Waste Household with Zero Electricity Bill
Janak Palta McGilligan, a brand ambassador of sustainability, at a young age of 74 promotes fully sustainable homes, powered by windmills. She has influenced more than 1,50,000 youths and over 6,000 rural and tribal women from over 1,000 villages and have trained them in solar cooking. In 2015, she was conferred with the Padma Shri for her social work.