Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.


Inner Feelings and Relationships

Every year, on July 30th, we observe International Friendship Day, highlighting the significance of friends and their role in our lives. This day serves as a reminder to understand, accept and support our friends without judgment, fostering strong and lasting bonds. For insights on maintaining warm and genuine relationships, explore M.S. Srinivasan’s blog on ‘Inner Feelings and Relationships’.

Lights on Life

Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey

Questions and Answers

Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.


It is not what others think of you that matters, but what you are yourself.

Sri Aurobindo

(CWSA-31, pp. 313-314)


On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.

Events and Announcements

Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn | 2 Weeks to the Release

An inspirational animation film ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’ is being made by Sri Aurobindo Society as an offering for the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo.

Special Feature: A creative rendering of the life of Sri Aurobindo, in a spectacularly visual style. 

The film will be launched on the YouTube channel of Sri Aurobindo Society on 15th August 2023. We will keep you updated about the release details and how you can view the film. Stay tuned.

Please share this news with all your friends and loved ones, especially the youth

Follow us for the FILM LAUNCH details on:

Facebook or Instagram

Collaborate in making this Inspirational Film!

Decoding the Yantra

Sri Aurobindo states, "Every symbol hides a living power." Join us and decode, under the guidance of Vivechana Saraf, the enigma of the Yantra. Unearth the mysteries of sacred geometry and symbology. More than that, explore the sacred geometry method of drawing Yantras in this hands-on and interactive online workshop from 16 to 18 August 2023. Tap into the wisdom of ancient India, expand your horizons and enhance your own spiritual practice in this practical and illuminating introductory course

Peculiarities of Kerala Vedic Chanting

AuroBharati, in collaboration with Vadakke Matham Brahmaswam, Kerala, presents a one-day lecture-cum-demonstration on Kerala Vedic Chanting as part of its Project 'Gurukul'. Join us on August 4th, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. at the Society House, Pondicherry. All are welcome!

Spiritual Gift of India to the World

Join us at AuroBharati's exhibition from August 12th to 21st, 2023, at Exhibition House, Goubert Avenue on Beach Road, Pondicherry. Discover the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on spirituality, including India's Spiritual Gift to the World. Immerse yourself in the artistic beauty with selected paintings and artworks by eminent artists from all over India. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the profound expression of our culture and spirituality. Be there to experience the artistic marvels of our people!

Sadhana of the Body

Feeling tired and in need of a break? Don't wait any longer! Join AuroYajna's three-day non-residential retreat “Sadhana of the Body” from August 11 to 13, 2023, and discover how to heal, evolve and manifest from within your body. This retreat, conducted by three experts, will take place at the serene sea-facing Matriniketan. Enroll now to rejuvenate your mind and body!

Folk Songs of India at Matriniketan

On July 27, 2023, Sri Aurobindo Society and Brown Critique presented an enthralling evening of folk songs of India at MatriNiketan in Pondicherry. On the occasion, our immensely talented singers paid tribute to the legendary folk singer from Bengal, Nirmalendu Chowdhury, on his 101st birth anniversary. Bhatiali (Bengal), Janapada Geete (Kannada) and Tamil folk songs, which the audience thoroughly enjoyed, were some of the evening’s highlights.

New Addition to AuroSchools

Sri Aurobindo Shishu Mandir School is a recent addition to our list of AuroSchools. In a modest ceremony on July 18, 2023, in the presence of Raipur's Commissioner, Shri Sanjay Alang, the school was inaugurated at Sri Aurobindo Complex, Kachna, Raipur. This school primarily caters to tiny tots from lower-income groups and underprivileged backgrounds.

Seeds of Light

Seeds of Light is an aesthetically produced booklet containing 101 inspiring thoughts compiled from the writings of the Mother. As an offering on her 145th Birth Anniversary, AuroMedia has taken the initiative of converting this print media into visual media. You are invited to watch the 12th video of this series. Stay with us to watch the other videos which will be shared in the future.


AuroPublications, the publications division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, publishes spiritually themed books and creates multimedia and audio-visual products with deep insights and values. There is a special focus on Integral Yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Book for this Fortnight

India and Her Mission (E-book)

AuroPublications, the publications division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, publishes spiritually themed books, e-books and audiobooks and creates multimedia and audiovisual products with deep insights and values. There is a special focus on Integral Yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Our entire country is celebrating the auspicious occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence on 15 August 2022. On this occasion we present a series of compilations on “India” from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s works. We hope that the readers of this free e-book will recognize the subtle theme of this series – “How India Can Achieve Its Mission”.

This work is presented with a hope and an aspiration that the people of India may be inspired by the vision of India and the process of achieving India’s mission may be hastened.

Click this link to get the copy


On Women - Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

One of AuroPublications’ most popular titles, On Women is Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. First published in 1978, this extremely significant book presents an altogether novel and insightful perspective to this critical but highly misunderstood subject of feminism.

Buy On Women audiobook here

Meanwhile, Auropublications is slated to publish Light of Lights – An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry audiobook this August, which includes not only several well-known poems by Sri Aurobindo but many penned by Ashram Poets who wrote under the guidance of the Master. Watch out more updates on this.

Visit AuroPublications https://auropublications.org/ for online purchases

Visit Aura Bookstore at 16 Goubert Avenue (Beach Road), Pondicherry, to pick up a copy.

Readers' Column


Living in the coastal town of Pondicherry, I’m used to seeing garbage spilling out of every dustbin on the streets; dogs and cows eating from dumps; being exposed to rotting smell every time I pass garbage dumps. Once I even fell into a garbage heap, when I lost my balance while cycling. Ughh!

Travelling around the rural areas of the Kerala hills, I was surprised that there was absolutely no garbage anywhere. I wondered what was it that made this state so squeaky-clean…

Kerala is known for its cleanliness and beauty due to a combination of factors. In this pretty little village called Karsanad, I noticed that the garbage collectors who belong to the normal working class of the community, collect the plastic and non-biodegradable garbage early in the morning at around 6 am. They are monitored by the Panchayat. They lock these sacks of plastic in a cage (see picture) so that no animals or strong wind can spread it around. Then like everyone else they go off to work in the fields or plantations. After a few days this waste is collected for recycling. The biodegradable waste is managed by each family themselves. Since most people have a couple of goats, cows and hens, all kitchen waste is eaten by these animals. It’s so simple!  

One of the main reasons for this efficient garbage collection system is the state’s emphasis on environmental conservation and sustainable development. Kerala has a strong tradition of community participation in waste management, and there are many government-led and community-based initiatives in place to promote cleanliness and waste segregation. Kerala also has a relatively high literacy rate, which also contributes to the people’s awareness and participation in keeping the state clean.

Dose of Sunshine

(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)

Two translators on a ship are talking. “Can you swim?” asks one. “No” says the other, “but I can shout for help in nine languages.”


How does a freelancer define “weekend”? Two working days till Monday.


“I have just had the most awful time”, said a boy to his friends. “First I got angina pectoris, then arteriosclerosis. Just as I was recovering, I got psoriasis. They gave me hypodermics, and to top it all, tonsillitis was followed by appendectomy”.

“Wow! How did you pull through?” sympathized his friends.

“I don’t know”, the boy replied. “Toughest spelling test I ever had”.


Courtesy: Many sources

A Capsule of Good News

From Learners to Teachers

Amidst the pandemic, new technology innovations emerged, including Anant Bagrodia’s app to aid underprivileged students in Delhi with their studies. At just 16 years old, his dedication led to the creation of an app where student volunteers can teach and support their younger peers. Beyond academics, the app also offers opportunities to learn chess, drawing and various other interests chosen by the students themselves.