Old age is not a disease – it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trial and illnesses.
―Maggie Kuhn, American Activist and Founder of Gray Panthers Movement

Mother’s Close Rapport with Plants, Flowers and Trees
World Environment Day is marked on June 5th, with the primary focus being on the restoration of ecosystems. Priti Dasgupta shares several incidents that highlight the strong bond between the Mother and nature, plants and flowers. This article is particularly relevant to read during this time we live in.
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
Sincerity exacts from each one that in his thoughts, his feelings, his sensations and his actions he should express nothing but the central truth of his being.
– The Mother

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Opening to the Descent of Peace & Force
This online workshop from 21 to 23 June, 2023, is intended for those sincerely on the path of integral growth. To truly grow, one needs to open to the vast reservoir of Peace & Force from above. It is a Descent and our nature needs to be still and immobile to bear and receive it. Join this dynamic workshop organized by NAMAH, the Journal to Integral Health to experience the immutable stillness that alone makes all transformation possible.

Yoga & Integral Wellness
AuroYajna's ongoing series titled, "Towards Self-Perfection" will focus on the theme of 'Yoga & Integral Wellness' this month, in celebration of International Day of Yoga. From June 19 to June 23, 2023, AuroYajna invites all to join them both online and in person. During this event, they plan to provide comprehensive nourishment for the human system, promote Integral Wellness in Yoga by harmonizing the body, mind and vital energy through Yogic practices. Everyone is welcome to participate and enjoy the illuminating experience.
Puthiya Piravi – The Transformation
Sri Aurobindo Society and Sukriti Foundation, Kolkata produced the documentary ‘The Transformation’ as a tribute to Sri Aurobindo on his 150th birth anniversary. This documentary was released in Hindi as ‘Naya Janma’. The Transformation is now dubbed in Tamil and titled ‘Puthiya Piravi’, which will be released on the Sri Aurobindo Society’s YouTube channel on June 21, 2023. Don’t miss it; mark your calendars!
Students’ Summer Camp
Around 500 students actively participated in the month-long 15th Summer Camp hosted by SARVAM. Five professional trainers, 25 coordinators and 30 volunteers engaged these children in martial arts, painting, drama and theatre, yoga and physical exercises.

Rabindra Jayanti
On 29 May, 2023, a peaceful event was organized at the Society House to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the renowned Bengali poet. The occasion was honoured by the presence of notable individuals, including Shri K. Lakshminarayanan, President of World Peace Trust and Honorable Minister of Tourism, Government of Puducherry, Shri. Embalam Selvam, Speaker of Puducherry Assembly, Shri Dibyendu Goswami, Secretary of Bangavani Trust and Shri Pradeep Narang, Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Society.
Seeds of Light
Seeds of Light is an artistically produced booklet containing 101 inspiring thoughts compiled from the writings of the Mother. As an offering on her 145th Birth Anniversary, AuroMedia has taken the initiative of converting this print media into visual media. You are invited to watch the seventh video of this series. Stay with us to watch the other videos which will be shared in the future.

Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn
Progress Update
An inspirational animation film by Sri Aurobindo Society titled ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’ on Sri Aurobindo’s life, is entering into its final stages. This is our offering for the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, to inspire the youth of India and the world.
We are happy to share with you that the film has moved into the Colouring Stage and the work is gearing up at a swift pace at Studio Eeksaurus, Mumbai.
As the Film moves to its final stages, we are also moving on with our fundraising efforts as about INR 40 lakhs more is needed for the completion of the Film.
AuroPublications, the publications division of the Sri Aurobindo Society, publishes spiritually themed books and creates multimedia and audio-visual products with deep insights and values. There is a special focus on Integral Yoga and the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Book for this Fortnight
Management by Consciousness

Management by Consciousness by G.P. Gupta and M.S. Srinivasan presents a new paradigm of management based on the principle of consciousness governing or managing from within directed outwards and is based on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s spiritual vision of life.
The Mother – A Short Biography

Auropublications presents its first audiobook – The Mother – A Short Biography – launched on the auspicious day of 24, April 2023, when the Mother arrived for the final time in Pondicherry in 1920.
Auropublications is also slated to publish a few audiobooks through the year including Light of Lights An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry which includes not only several well-known poems by Sri Aurobindo but many penned by Ashram Poets who wrote under the guidance of the Master. Watch out more development on this front.
Visit AuroPublications https://auropublications.org/ for online purchases
Visit Aura Bookstore at 16 Goubert Avenue (Beach Road), Pondicherry, to pick up a copy.
The Readers’ Column
Dr. Sudevi Basu is an Environmental Engineer and a passionate advocate for sustainable community-based waste management systems. She is working as faculty of Biotechnology Engineering at Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India. She is a member of Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, and a devotee of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Her hobby includes reading technical and spiritual books, nature photography, writing articles and short poems, etc.
We feature here a recently written poem by Dr. Basu.

Experience of a Lifetime
(4th April 2023, Puducherry)
Booked my train ticket to reach the spiritual city on the morning of 4th April –
What lay ahead of me was an absolute mystery.
On my arrival there, I was astounded when I visited Sri Aurobindo’s First Home,
Where the Rishi put his first foot, 113 years ago . . .
A Holy Home amidst a quiet locality,
Blessed are the inmates, who maintain it so elegantly,
So, it becomes a memory for all His devotees!
Crisscrossing the corridor, my feet trembled,
Walking up the stairs, my emotions fostered.
The first meeting room, The Master’s bust photo so captivating . . .
The second room, His Residence, the alluring photo of the Maha Yogi sitting,
The grandeur, not the superficial, but the psychic, was ecstatic.
The quietude, the serenity, blending the blissful aura, was indeed euphoric,
I’m truly blessed with this fortuitous visit to the Divine Dwelling!
Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)

Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?
He pasta-way.
Two muffins were sitting in an oven.
One turned to the other and said, “Wow, it’s pretty hot in here.” The other one shouted, “Wow, a talking muffin!”
I sold my vacuum the other day.
All it was doing was collecting dust.
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use honey combs.
Did you hear about the kidnapping at school?
It’s ok, he woke up.
A Capsule of Good News

Goa Government honours a couple of elderly people
Balkrishna Ayya, a 74-year-old resident of Goa and Rukmini Pandurang Naik, an 80-year-old from the same region, have been honoured with prestigious awards by the UT. Balakirshna Ayya took it upon himself to address the long-standing water scarcity issue in his community by single-handedly digging a well in Loliem. His efforts have provided a much-needed solution to the water problem that had persisted for years. On the other hand, Rukmini Pandurang Naik has been instrumental in saving numerous lives from snake bites through her dedicated efforts.