Buddha stands for the conquest over the Ignorance of the lower nature.
- Sri Aurobindo

Buddha Purnima
Buddha Purnima holds special importance for the followers of Buddhism, as it is believed that on this day of the full moon Lord Buddha also got enlightenment. In the Hindu tradition, the Buddha is regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Sri Aurobindo has very succinctly expressed the greatness of the Buddha:
“Thus was it possible for the Buddha to attain the state of Nirvana and yet act puissantly in the world, impersonal in his inner consciousness, in his action the most powerful personality that we know of as having lived and produced results upon earth.
“… This possibility of an entire motionless impersonality and void Calm within doing outwardly the works of the eternal verities, Love, Truth and Righteousness, was perhaps the real gist of the Buddha’s teaching,—this superiority to ego and to the chain of personal workings and to the identification with mutable form and idea, not the petty ideal of an escape from the trouble and suffering of the physical birth.”
The Mother, while commenting on the ‘Dhammapada’, has mentioned: click on the link
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
Care not for time and success. Act out thy part, whether it be to fail or to prosper
Sri Aurobindo

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Toward a New India
AuroBharati, in association with the Pondicherry University, is organizing a one-day seminar on the topic ‘Toward a New India: Prospects and Challenges’. Prof. Gurmeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Pondicherry University, will deliver the keynote address. The seminar is on 26 May 2022 at the Society House from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All are welcome!

History or Itihasa?
As part of Sri Aurobindo Society’s celebrations for the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, AuroBharati and AuroYajna invite all for the seventh Special Lecture on the theme – ‘India, Our Mother on the topic: History or Itihasa?’ Join this online lecture on Sunday the 5th of June 2022 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon by Dr. Pranjal Garg, Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, and find the answers yourself. This programme will be live on

Stepping Out of Habits
Stepping out of habits is a major aim and almost the ultimate test in Integral Yoga. The New Body has no room for negative habits. Removing all our habits is imperative to self-mastery. Join this practical and interactive workshop organized by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health, to find out how one can step out of habits. Enroll for the six-day online workshop from June 13-18, 2022.

Bharata Shakti – Mother India, a Power, a Godhead
As part of part of Sri Aurobindo Society's celebrations of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and 75th year of India's Independence,
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. Gurmeet Singh, Pondicherry University inaugurated the exhibition, Bharata Shakti – Mother India, A Power, A Godhead’ at Ashram Exhibition Hall on 20 May, 2022. This exhibition is on until 30 May, 2022. All are welcome!

Sourcing Our Oneness
The sixth ‘Sourcing Our Oneness’ camp was conducted from March 26 to April 6, 2022. This camp helped those who strove for the realization and fulfillment of the aims and ideals of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. The camp was organized in the beautiful scenic venue of Van Nivas, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Nainital. During this camp, the focus was on the fourth dream of Sri Aurobindo – the spiritual gift of India to the world.

Interaction with Sri Aurobindo's School
A team of 20 teachers from Sri Aurobindo’s School Telangana visited Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry and interacted with the Integral Education team. In this workshop, a new and alluring aspect of flowers was introduced to the teachers. The facilitators, Priti and Rathi, helped the teachers to understand and go in line with their inner friend – flowers. The participants agreed to use these methods in their teaching to the students.

Auro Sakhis
It is now time for leaders to train new batches. Yes, SARVAM Sakhis have found 20 new trainees and have started their training. The main focus of these 20 Auro Sakhis will be nutrition. Carefully picked from 10 villages, these Auro Sakhis will undergo intensive training for the next few months. They attended their first training from 12-14 May 2022 at the Satyam Community Centre.

Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn – Storyboarding Stage in Full Swing
An animation film, ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’, is being made, to inspire the youth of India and the world, through the story of Sri Aurobindo and his immense contribution to the renaissance of India, as our offering for the 150th year of Sri Aurobindo’s birth.
Read MoreWe are happy to inform you that after completing the screenplay, the storyboarding stage is in full swing. To know the details of the progress of the film, please visit our website.
After coming out of his imprisonment at Alipore jail, Sri Aurobindo gave his first public speech at Uttarpara on 30th May 1909. In this soul-stirring speech, he mesmerised an audience of about ten thousand people who heard him in pin-drop silence, where for the first time he spoke of his Yoga and of the spiritual experiences he had in the jail. In this significant year of the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, we remember and strive to revive the visionary messages that he gave in the speech which became a recurring theme song all over India.
To read the full text of the famous Uttarpara speech, visit our website, Uttarpara Speech
Join hands in the making of this film! Donate.
Offering in Humility and Gratitude
We stepped into a significant year on 15 August 2021 as it starts the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s independence. This section is our humble offering to this momentous occasion. We will bring a few golden glimpses from the Master’s avataric life as well as a few glorious achievements of independent India.

Sri Aurobindo’s first poem
Sri Aurobindo was once asked, in 1939, during the course of a conversation with one of his disciples:
“When did you begin to write poetry?” He answered: “When my two brothers and I were staying at Manchester. I wrote for the Fox family magazine. It was an awful imitation of somebody I don’t remember.”
Ref; A B Purani, Life of Sri Aurobindo
The magazine which Sri Aurobindo had referred to was the Fox’s Weekly launched on 11 January 1883, and Sri Aurobindo’s poem titled ‘Light’ was published in the very first issue on that day. Sri Aurobindo was in his tender age of around ten years at that time.
It is a fortuity to disseminate this poem with you all.
From the quickened womb of the primal gloom,
The sun rolled, black and bare,
Till I wove him a vest for his Ethiop breast,
Read MoreOf the threads of my golden hair;
And when the broad tent of the firmament
Arose on its airy spars,
I pencilled the hue of its matchless blue,
And spangled it around with stars.
I painted the flowers of the Eden bowers,
And their leaves of living green,
And mine were the dyes in the sinless eyes
Of Eden’s Virgin queen;
And when the fiend’s art in the truthful heart
Had fastened its mortal spell,
In the silvery sphere of the first-born tear
To the trembling earth I fell.
When the waves that burst o’er a world accurst
Their work of wrath had sped,
And the Ark’s lone few, tried and true,
Came forth among the dead.
With the wondrous gleams of the bridal beams,
I bade their terrors cease,
As I wrote on the roll of the storm’s dark scroll
God’s covenant of peace.
Like a pall at rest on the senseless breast,
Night’s funeral shadow slept—
Where shepherd swains on Bethlehem’s plains,
Their lonely vigils kept,
When I flashed on their sight, the heralds bright,
Of Heaven’s redeeming plan,
As they chanted the morn, the Saviour born—
Joy, joy, to the outcast man!
Equal favour I show to the lofty and low,
On the just and the unjust I descend:
E’en the blind, whose vain spheres, roll in
darkness and tears,
Feel my smile—the blest smile of a friend.
Nay, the flower of the waste by my love is
As the rose in the garden of kings:
At the chrysalis bier of the morn I appear,
And lo! the gay butterfly wings.
The desolate morn, like the mourner forlorn,
Conceals all the pride of her charms,
Till I bid the bright hours, chase the night from her
And lead the young day to her arms.
And when the gay rover seeks Eve for her lover,
And sinks to her balmy repose,
I wrap the soft rest by the zephyr-fanned west,
In curtains of amber and rose.
From my sentinel steep by the night-brooded
I gaze with the unslumbering eye,
When the cynosure star of the mariner
Is blotted out from the sky:
And guided by me through the merciless sea,
Though sped by the hurricane’s wings,
His companionless, dark, lone, weltering bark,
To the haven home safely he brings.
I waken the flowers in the dew-spangled bowers,
The birds in their chambers of green,
And mountain and plain glow with beauty again,
As they bask in their matinal sheen.
O, if such the glad worth of my presence on
Though fitful and fleeting the while,
What glories must rest on the home of the
Ever bright with the Deity’s smile.
Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)
Potion of Laughter
This time it is humour on museums
A man walks into a museum.
While wandering, he trips and breaks a vase. He panics and picks the pieces up. But the curator appears and almost has a heart attack. “What have you done! that vase was 2000 years old.” He shrieks. “Oh thank God.” The man sighs in relief. ” I thought it was brand new.”
I just got fired from my job in Museum
They said they’re not happy with my work here, which is ridiculous, I only worked here for 2 days and already sold 2 Picassos.
A Capsule of Good News

Slum Soccer @Rehabilitation Centre
Can a football training academy become a rehabilitation centre? Yes, it can if legends like Vijay Barse led the team.
Read MoreVijay Barse, a physical education teacher by profession, found children standing at bus stops stealing passengers’ purses and involved in drugs. At the same time, they were interested in football.
Seeing a bunch of rural boys playing football with a broken plastic bucket at a hockey ground, the idea of starting a football academy sprung in Vijay Barse. This academy slowly helped transform thieves and drug addicts into national-level trainers and competitors.
Through his Slum Soccer, he made the game of football available, which was earlier considered the game of the wealthy.