Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

You are the World
October 2. International Day of Non-violence. How far shall we achieve non-violence by observing a day in a year as a day of non-violence? How then shall we cleanse the world of the continuous assault of violence, stemming from dark lowering forces, and whose only purpose is to crush the aspirations and realizations of human values of peace, harmony and love from the earth?
As an individual, do we have any chance to move the world towards non-violence? This article from Fourth Dimension Inc has an answer. Read to discover your worth.
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
There are times in a nation’s history when Providence places before it one work, one aim, to which everything else, however high and noble in itself, has to be sacrificed. Such a time has now arrived for our motherland when nothing is dearer than her service.
-Sri Aurobindo

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS

Culture and Heritage through Photography
Today’s generation, who thrive on the digital world, were drawn to discover the rich cultural and artistic heritage of India through a virtual experience of awe-inspiring photographs of India’s culturally-rich places by Madhu Jagdhish, a heritage photography enthusiast on September 21, 2021. This unique programme was organized by AuroBharti, our unit for Indian Culture.

Growth and Parenting Workshops
NAMAH has been presenting workshops that helps one to understand health in its true deep dimensions. It now brings you two interesting online workshops in October. Practice of Integral Growth, the application-oriented deliberation on all aspects of individual growth will be held from Oct 8 to Oct 29, 2021. Decoding Conscious Parenting, with an immensely intriguing discussion on how conscious parenting can help in human evolution, will be held from Oct 19 to Oct 23, 2021. Enroll and be enriched.

Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn – The Creative Challenge
The creative world is vast but there are the rare and few human personalities since the dawn of time - like Sri Aurobindo - who have a canvas even vaster in scale and depth, making it almost impossible to capture or do justice to even a fragment of their lives. And yet, the team at Studio Eeksaurus was presented with this very challenge when they were asked to make an animation film on Sri Aurobindo. The animation film studio has put up a very interesting team to meet this challenge. Meet the creative team. With His generous blessings, we have completed the trailer and we are looking forward for the completion and release of the movie by August 15, 2022. Requesting you to help in our aspirations with your kind contributions.

Birth of a New Lake in Puducherry
Svarnim Puducherry created a historic milestone in Puducherry by initiating the creation of a new irrigation tank, the 85th one, at Puducherry. Situated in in Madhikrishnapuram (Uchimedu village) of Bahour district, the new tank, when completed will cover almost 18 acres and will conserve about 1.44 lakh KL of water. It is designed for high capacity of rain-water harvesting. Its desilting work was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister, Shri R Senthilkumar. This epic task has been undertaken in collaboration with the National Council for Science & Technology Communication, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and other eminent partners.

Towards Self Perfection
Towards Self Perfection is a series of yoga workshops organized by AuroYajna. The theme for October is Yoga for the Cardiovascular System. In order to make your cardiovascular system robust, enroll for the online/on-campus yoga workshop scheduled from Oct 18-23, 2021.
Music sets them free
The Central prison of Pondicherry, at Kalapet, is going through a transformation. Musically. Recently, the famous danseuse and social reformer Alokananda Roy, changed the entire environment of the prison with her dance, music and overall presence, bringing together the inmates, the prison administration and everybody else in a spontaneous self-expression through music and dance. Darkness and shadows seem to be melting down in the light of the inner souls that found a channel to emerge and unite.
Offering in Humility and Gratitude
We have stepped into an important year on 15 August 2021 as it starts the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s independence. This section is our humble offering to this momentous occasion. We will bring a few golden glimpses from the Master’s avataric life as well as a few glorious achievements of independent India.
Excerpt from A. B. Purani’s ‘Life of Sri Aurobindo’ about an incident in England, when Sri Aurobindo was ‘saved’
Sri Aurobindo and His two elder brothers were sent to England when He was seven years old, for their studies. They stayed with Rev. William H. Drewett and his wife in Manchester.
A rumour was once current that Aurobindo was converted to Christianity. This was probably due to his name being registered at St. Paul’s and even at Cambridge, as “Aravinda Ackroyd Ghose”. But the rumour is not true.
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Once, however, an amusing incident happened which Sri Aurobindo has himself described: “There was once a meeting of nonconformist ministers at Cumberland when we were in England. The old lady in whose house we dwelt [Mrs. Drewett] took me there. After the prayers were over nearly all dispersed, but devout people remained a little longer and it was at that time that conversions were made. I was feeling completely bored. Then a minister approached me and asked me some questions. I did not give any reply. Then they all shouted, ‘He is saved, he is saved’, and began to pray for me and offer thanks to God. I did not know what it was all about. Then the minister came to me and asked me to pray. I was not in the habit of praying. But somehow I did it in the manner in which children recite their prayers before going to sleep in order to keep up an appearance. That was the only thing that happened. I did not attend the Church regularly. I was about ten at that. He felt infinitely relieved when he got back to Manchester. A.B. Purani, [Evening Talks, Second Series, p. 141]

Readers’ Column
AuroNews is happy and honoured to present the incredible crafts of 10-year-old Riva Gandhi, who creates wonders with painting, calligraphy writing, and a world of artforms. We invite all young talents to participate and enrich our column.

Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)
Potion of Laughter
When friends are together, there is bound to be laughter. Even if it is at their cost.
Three friends, stranded on a desert island, find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish.
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The first friend wishes he was off the island and back home. The second friend wishes the same. The third friend says “I’m lonely. I wish my friends were back here.” Two friends talking: 1st: “Hey can I borrow some money? I’m broke.” 2nd: “Get money from your job.” 1st: “I got fired.” 2nd: “Why?” 1st: “My boss told me to leave all my problems behind the door, so I told him to stand outside.
A Capsule of Good News
Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola recalls the deepest experience of happiness and immortality from a little child. A truly beautiful story that uncovers a shining marvel of life.
When Nigerian billionaire Femi Otedola in a telephone interview, was asked by the radio presenter, “Sir, can you remember the moment that made you the happiest man in life?”
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Femi said: “I have gone through four stages of happiness in life and finally I understood the meaning of true happiness. “The first stage was to accumulate wealth and means. But at this stage I did not get the happiness I wanted. “Then came the second stage of collecting valuables and items. But I ecogniz that the effect of this thing is also temporary and the lustre of valuable things does not last long. “Then came the third stage of getting big projects. That was when I was holding 95% of diesel supply in Nigeria and Africa. I was also the largest vessel owner in Africa and Asia. But even here I did not get the happiness I had imagined. “The fourth stage was the time a friend of mine asked me to buy wheelchairs for some disabled children. Just about 200 kids. “At the friend’s request, I immediately bought the wheelchairs. “But the friend insisted that I go with him and hand over the wheelchairs to the children. I got ready and went with him. “There I gave these wheelchairs to these children with my own hands. I saw the strange glow of happiness on the faces of these children. I saw them all sitting on the wheelchairs, moving around and having fun. “It was as if they had arrived at a picnic spot where they are sharing a jackpot winning. “I felt REAL joy inside me. When I decided to leave, one of the kids grabbed my legs. I tried to free my legs gently but the child stared at my face and held my legs tightly. “I bent down and asked the child: Do you need something else? “The answer this child gave me not only made me happy but also changed my attitude to life completely. This child said: ‘I want to remember your face so that when I meet you in heaven, I will be able to ecognize you and thank you once again.’