The Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
On this auspicious occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (15 August 2022) and the 75th year of India’s Independence, the Sri Aurobindo Society is publishing five pamphlets from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Hymn to Durga
Sri Aurobindo wrote this Durga Stotra for the Bengali journal titled Dharma, issue no. 9, dated October 1909. An English translation by him is presented here. In addition to expressing our prayer to Mother Durga, the Mother that presides over the destiny of India and protects us all, our Mother India, by connecting to the Conscious and Living Force that is in these Eternal Words of Sri Aurobindo, we also pay a homage to the rich artistic heritage of India – past and present.

Five Dreams of Sri Aurobindo
In response to a request from All India Radio, Sri Aurobindo gave a message to mark 15 August 1947, the day of India’s independence. This message to his countrymen spoke of five dreams that he had worked for, and which he now saw on the way to fulfilment. The realisation of these dreams would mark the beginning of a new age, not only for India but for the entire world, “for the political, social, cultural and spiritual future of humanity.”
Lights on Life
Pulses of truth that clears up life’s pathway and makes it a joyful and confident journey
Questions and Answers
Our ordinary life is fraught with doubts, confusions and questions on its various aspects. Our Questions and Answers section is a compilation of questions on multiple subjects, asked by aspirants to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and the answers given by Them. Please visit - an answer may be awaiting you, even if you do not have a question.
I shall leave my dreams in their argent air,
For in a raiment of gold and blue
There shall move on the earth embodied and fair
The living truth of you.
Sri Aurobindo
A God’s Labour

On life’s journey, we are sometimes struck by a distressing obstacle in our path, numbing our strength and capacities to move ahead. Or it could also be a strong aspiration that blindly seeks an expression. At these times, if we concentrate and sincerely search for an inner guidance, it does somehow reach us through some means and a path opens up, almost like miracle! If you are in a situation like this, try our Guidance section and see if it helps. Do share your experience with us.
Events and Announcements
Glimpses of recent activities at SAS
The Transformation - A Documentary Film
August 2022 is a very significant time in our Nation’s history. 15th August will not only usher in our 75th year of independence but will also be the 150th birth anniversary of the person who inspired leaders who fought for our independence and was termed the ‘Master Mind’ by the British for their oust from India. On this auspicious occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo (15th August 2022), Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, and Kolkata Sukriti Foundation, have prepared a documentary film on Sri Aurobindo. It portrays this pioneering leader of the Freedom Movement and revolves around the period 1908 to 1909 when Sri Aurobindo was in jail in Alipore in Kolkata. Entitled ‘The Transformation’ in English and ‘Naya Janma’ in Hindi, the two versions of the documentary film can be viewed on

Savitri Study Session
Dr Alok Pandey will conduct the last of the Savitri Study Session from Aug 16 to 23, 2022, at the Society House from 5:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This study session is the last of the series as the last Book 12 (Epilogue) will be covered in this period. All are welcome.

The Spiritual Foundations of Arts in Asia
The Renaissance-AuroBharati team of Sri Aurobindo Society explores the significant impact of India's artistic and aesthetic traditions, mainly its focus on the spiritual basis of arts, in several regions of Asia. Everyone is welcome for this online lecture on Saturday, September 3, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm (IST) / 7:00-8:30 am (CDT). Dr Shashi Bala, a renowned Indologist and Dean of K. M. Munshi Center of Indology at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, will deliver the lecture. Join us on Zoom with Meeting ID: 850 3247 8786 and Passcode: 277015

Discourses with Dr Ananda Reddy
A true teacher, like Dr Ananda Reddy, can make the complex seem simple. In five sessions, he will look at some of the central concepts of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Philosophy simply and fascinatingly. Even newcomers and those with no philosophical background will benefit from these recordings. To fully advance in Integral Yoga, some understanding of the philosophical framework has to be absorbed. Join these online talks from 23-27 August 2022 to acquire the necessary knowledge.

Sanjeevan Trains Anganwadi Teachers
Around 87 Anganwadi teachers from various parts of Pondicherry attended a 10-day palliative care training programme. The training programme was conducted in four batches from 4-14 July 2022. The participants involved themselves in role plays and team discussions. At the end of the training, they came out with many innovative ideas to take palliative care to the next level.

Spiritual Transformation in Consciousness
In an interaction with the prisoners of Pondicherry Central Prison, Shri Sivakumar of SAFIER educated the prisoners on the life of Sri Aurobindo, particularly about the days he spent in the Alipore Jail. Later, the prisoners discussed how to harmonise the inner and outer aspects of their life. Also, Shri Baskar Manikam taught them the methods of bringing about a change in their inner life through meditation.
Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn - Film in the Making
An animation film ‘Sri Aurobindo: A New Dawn’ is being made by Sri Aurobindo Society, to inspire the youth of India and the world, through the story of Sri Aurobindo and his immense contribution to the renaissance of India. This is our offering for the 150th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo’s birth.
We have commissioned this project to India’s leading professional animation studio: Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. We have entered the character design stage and the storyboarding stage is reaching its completion.
Here is a brief talk by Manoj Pavithran from Auroville who is also the Film Production Lead, on the topic ‘Is Sri Aurobindo Relevant to the Future’. This topic is very relevant to the youth and this is the vision of the film too.
Let us join hands to make this inspirational film! Donate
Offering in Humility and Gratitude
We stepped into a significant year on 15 August 2021 as it starts the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th year of India’s independence. This section is our humble offering to this momentous occasion. We will bring a few golden glimpses from the Master’s avataric life as well as a few glorious achievements of independent India.

Darshan Day, 15 August 1924
Life of Sri Aurobindo, A.B. Purani
“At 4 p.m. all gather at the usual place – the verandah. All sit there full of hope in silence; one or two whisper to each other. The mind of the company is silently repeating: ‘When will he come? May he come.’ It is 4.15; the old familiar and yet new ‘tick’ behind the door! Slowly the door opens: The Master steps out first, behind him the Mother in a white creamy sari with a broad red border. He sat in his usual wide Japanese chair. The Mother sat on the right side on a small stool. For a short time, about five minutes, there was complete silence!
“Then he glanced at each one separately. The minutes were melting into the silence. There is again a wave of emotion in all, all bathe again in an ocean of some divine emotion. How wonderful if the whole of Eternity would flow in this experience! Time, poor Time and its flow are blamed by men. But where is the fault in the flow of time? If so much Love and such Divine Delight can have its play, let poor Time flow and have its Eternity! And let the world become divine! Another powerful aspiration that came to the surface was:’Expression is not needed – let the whole of eternity flow away in this silence!’
“When the Master came for the evening sitting emanating joy he asked with a smile, ‘What do you want to-day? – Silence or speech?’ As if he had come to confer whatever boon we asked. For a time it was silence that reigned. Then from that silence a flow appeared to start. The hearts of the disciples were tip-toe with expectation, for to-day they were hearing not human speech but words from the Divine. To hear with human ears the Lord speak! What a fulfilment!”
Dose of Sunshine
(…is all we need to embrace life with a smile!)
Potion of Laughter
And finally, it’s now time to have some fun with these puns!
What kind of music do bunnies like best?
Hip Hop.
Where do math teachers go on a vacation?
The Times Square.
Why don’t football players become hot?
Because of all the fans.
How did the barber win the race?
He knew a short cut.
A Capsule of Good News
Two IPS Officers Win International Awards in Groundbreaking Policing

SP Santosh Kumar Singh and SP Amit Kumar will receive the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)’s 2021 ‘40 Under 40’ Award for their exemplary policing work in Chhattisgarh and UP. These two young IPS officers live for the motto “To Protect and To Serve.” Read this editorial to know about their outstanding achievement.